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Hunters Against Hunters: A Sad Division

After experiencing so much negativity from other hunters lately, I feel compelled to write about the obvious division in the outdoor industry that continues to grow every day. While I've become numb to the anti-hunters that attack me daily, I can't help but feel a little sting when a fellow hunter attacks me. Lately, this has happened on several occasions and I'd like to address it publicly in hopes of opening up some eyes.

When The Sportsman Channel shared a picture from my recent photoshoot (see below) on their social media a few days ago, I had several hunters leave comments without hesitation. They made snide remarks about my ability to shoot the bow in my hand or that I'm just another "made for TV" huntress. My favorite comment was that my picture is proof that sex sells; I'm still trying to figure that one out.

This inspired me to finally start my YouTube channel, something that I've been contemplating for awhile now. In general, I'm a very motivated person, but nothing drives me the way that negativity drives me. There are no stupid questions and I don't mind that people question my intentions on this journey, however, that wasn't the case in this situation. I find it very unfortunate that people don't attempt to be more curious before making assumptions. Curiosity is genuine while accusations are offensive.

Furthermore, if a hunter has a different method of hunting, it doesn't make it wrong. The truth is, whether you're male or female, gun hunter or bow hunter, you're planting food plots or filling feeders, hunting free range or not, spot and stalking or in a treestand, there is a common denominator: WE ARE ALL HUNTERS. Don't we have enough people against us already?

I've felt many emotions in regards to the comments made on The Sportsman Channel post, but more than anything I feel grateful. It was everything I needed to push my boundaries and get in front of a camera. Watch the video for an introduction to who I am as a hunter and stay tuned for future videos! Also, if you'd like to see the post that started it all, click here.

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