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Rage in the Cage | Rocksprings, TX

As you can guess from the title, it was easily one of the most exhilarating days of my life. We were hunting Hoffman Ranch in Rocksprings, which has some of the biggest deer I've ever seen in Texas. I had a few options, but I prefer a solid typical deer over a non-typical deer any given day, so I was stoked to see this guy walk out. He wasn't the biggest around, but he was the prettiest and most mature. Can't beat that!

I've never related to the term "trigger happy" with whitetail. Yes I love to hunt them, but after being on my dad's lease in Atascosa County for 10 years with a MLD (Managed Lands Deer) Permit, I'm just extremely particular about what I shoot.

For beginners out there:

"Managed Lands Deer (MLD) Permits: Permits issued to landowners with a TPWD-approved Wildlife Management Plan. MLD permits allow hunters, at the discretion of the landowner or agent, to exceed the county bag limit and (in some cases) to hunt during an extended season."

-Texas Parks & Wildlife (TPWD)

He engrained it in our heads to take pictures/video as much as possible so that you couldn't mess up; in other words, you coudn't shoot the wrong deer. You weren't going to get to shoot that deer the first time you saw it because everyone needed to agree that it was a cull. Some of my favorite nights were sitting around the TV talking about all the cull bucks that needed to go and hearing the guys debate for hours because a cull buck to one man may not be a cull to another. Let's be honest, men can be dramatic when it comes to whitetail! With that being said, I felt confident in taking this guy after my husband had taken pictures and video the day before.

I'm thankful for the opportunity to hunt this beautiful guy and as always, put more meat in the freezer. He scored 136 3/8 which is quite a bit more than my first rifle buck (I will have another post about that hunt at some point). We were in a ground blind about 15 yards away, and it was the best shot I've made on any animal with my bow. Right behind the shoulder, bottom third, and he was perfectly broadside. You don't always get that lucky, but I'm thankful for a clean shot. He ran about 50 yards and crashed.

As you can see, the Rage once again performed as expected. Check out that entry hole!! The blood trail was quick and easy, leading me straight to him without hesitation. Needless to say, it was a good day!!

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